Remember? | Teen Ink


August 2, 2019
By alyssasimone GOLD, Staten Island, New York
alyssasimone GOLD, Staten Island, New York
11 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
In the end, we only regret the chances we didn't take !!!


Remember when life was good and the world tasted like sunshine?

I know it seems like a while ago but I promise that there was a time when laughter bounched off your bedroom ealls and echoed through your soul.

You weren't afraid to hang out with your friends or wear your hair up or eat chocolate ice cream straight out of the carton.


I know this part always becomes a bit blurry but one day you opened up about how you just didn't feel the same and how you didn't want to live anymore because a single diagnosis had changed your life.

A diagnosis of depression.

I think you cried a lot and skipped school the next day because you couldn't handle the fact that your good days were just as unbearable as your bad ones.


This is the part that's a bit dark even though dawn was breaking outside of your window but you told me that you'd reached the breaking point and there was nothing I could do to help you.

After that night, your smiles disappeared before they could even form and you started talking to me less and less.

You always said that you were just having a rough day, but if all your days were like this, what was I supposed to do to save you?

I felt like I was losing the person who meant the most to me but I guess this is just the way life unfolds sometimes.

It crumbles the moment it touches your fingertips and there's no way to stop it.

I guess this is what happens when you put every ounce of trust you've ever had in your best friend, if you even still call me that.

I don't think you answered any of my phone calls the next day so I walked the five miles to your house only to be told that you were gone.

I guess you can't remember anything after this.

The author's comments:

I wrote this piece while my best friend was battling depression and I didn't think she would ever get any better. I was always so incredibly scared that one day, things would get so bad that she would take her own life, which is what this poem is about. Thankfully, though, she has gotten a lot better and I'm super lucky to still have her in my life <3

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