Who Should I Be For You | Teen Ink

Who Should I Be For You

July 14, 2019
By dscaralin BRONZE, Friendswood, Texas
dscaralin BRONZE, Friendswood, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

An anxious flutter of her heart

a self-deprecating high

who should she be?

the redundant longing for an answer to a rhetorical question was the only thing she asked and even begged for

because she knew with her whole heart that she would 

she would run until her legs ache

she would starve until her ribs peeked through

she would dye, cut, or chop her hair until deemed to stand out

she would become someone he’s capable of loving

even if she frayed; a mirror unrecognizable

because she’s been in love with him

a poison consumed with hope- a hopelessly  lost love

and for him she would fill until she loomed over

like a wilting flower aching for a touch of sun

The author's comments:

This poem goes into detail of the extremities caused by the emotion of trying to change oneself to please another, or “become someone capable of their love”.

In this piece, the emotion is one of desperation, despair, and self-harm- all of which seem worth the price in the moment.

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