My Cry for Help | Teen Ink

My Cry for Help

July 13, 2019
By L_Parkel SILVER, Stamford, Connecticut
L_Parkel SILVER, Stamford, Connecticut
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
“Keep your face to the sunshine and you cannot see a shadow.” — Helen Keller.

I see them all around me 

They are staring at me like a monkey in a zoo.

I cry for help but they don't respond.

We walk the hallways everyday together,

Yet none of them help me.

The watch as I am hurt and beaten by words,

they watch as the zookeeper's laugh and joke

About how I look. They don't see the pain I’m in.


They think its funny that I am slammed against

the cages they know as lockers. 

They laugh as all the joy in me is taken from my face.

They sit and stare at the body of mine that is on the tiled floor,

they watch and watch as I scream in pain.

I cry for help but they don't come to my rescue.

I cry and cry and cry for help but none of them

can stand up to the zoo keepers known to them as the

Popular girls. Why won't they answer me?

What did I do to them, for them not to help me?

Why won't they answer my call?

I cry as I walk back to my cell, known to them as a classroom.

Why wont my cries for help be answered?

The author's comments:

dont just stand by, people are hurt every day because of bullying. speek up even if its just to a teacher. I know what its like to be bullied and have nobody stand up for you I felt helpless but dont let other people.

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