Betrayed | Teen Ink


May 29, 2019
By maddywilliamsav BRONZE, Cement City, Michigan
maddywilliamsav BRONZE, Cement City, Michigan
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"It's a cow, Luke!" - Ashton Irwin, 5SOS
"It's okay to not be okay." - Michael Clifford, 5SOS
"After everything we've been through... everything that I've done... it can't be for nothing." - Ellie, The Last of us


One word hated more than many.

One feeling I never thought you’d make me feel.

What happened to all the times you told me you loved me?

Did you ever love me?

What were all the times you kissed me?

Or held my hand?

Or held me in your arms?

The times you told me I was the only one for you?

Or smiled at me?

Or laughed with me?

All the times you loved me?


Was it all an act?

Did you ever really love me?

Or did you just love how loving me made you feel?

It doesn’t matter.

You promised you would always love me.

You promised never to go back on that promise.

But you did.

And now I feel so betrayed.

So, so betrayed.

And lost.

And broken.

And it hurts like hell.

The author's comments:

I wrote this after breaking up with my long time girlfriend.

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