This is the Place You Have | Teen Ink

This is the Place You Have

May 8, 2019
By keirarogers BRONZE, Lebanon, Ohio
keirarogers BRONZE, Lebanon, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

This is the place you must pass through to get there,

You have to step out of your comfort zone to accomplish much more.

This is the place you must have a little ego to make it through,

You have to believe in yourself because others will just try to break you down.

This is the place where change is often,

You have to adjust to things around you.

This is the place of temporary pain,

You have to have faith in a better future.

This is the place that objects have their own worth,

You have to know you have more worth than any object.

This is the place people judge and criticize,

You have to focus that you are the way you are for a reason.

This is the place laughs and cries are precious,

You have to cherish those moments.

This is the place beauty is known as wonderful,

You have to love yourself and others wonderful beauties.

This is the place anything given to you can be taken away,

You have to never take for granted the little things.

This is the place unique people are seen as weird,

You have to be aware that they are just jealous.

This is the place that something is either right or wrong,

You have to know there is more than an answer of yes or no.

This is the place of comparing and finding the best,

You have to realize more than just one person can be great.

This is the place people come together as one,

You have to join them to become stronger.

This is the place of life.

The author's comments:

This poem started when I was looking at a mentor text and had to use a line from the text to start my riding. That line is the first line of my poem and after that I figured out I could use repetition to emphasize the phrase this is the place and the second line always started with you have and putting them together makes my title this is the place you have. The last line tells you what this place you have is called.

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