Fear | Teen Ink


March 26, 2019
By Saysay SILVER, Allentown, Pennsylvania
Saysay SILVER, Allentown, Pennsylvania
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I walked down alone my neighborhood which was too dangerous for a teen

And I thought about the freaky video I had seen

A suspicious guy following me making this odd noise

I ran home and my mom said your just being paranoid


I begged and begged my mom to take me to Hershey for this ride

I always wanted to ride it for as long as I’m alive

It would be a good idea my mom decides

But when we got there I never rode it because I didn’t want to die


I asked, hey mom can I please play football

To my surprise she didn’t mind at all

I got tackled to the ground, football was dangerous sport last time I checked

Mom I don’t want to do this it’s boring but really I was in fear of breaking my neck


I have curly hair that is pure black

My mom drove me to the hair salon ready to dye my hair there was no turning back

The lady said I’m just going to put this over you so you don’t burn your skin

I look petrified and ran out of my seat if my skin burnt off I thought that would have been the end


Everyone I knew wanted to be some kind of famous sports player and I felt kind of awkward

Because I always dreamed of becoming a famous doctor

My mom said of course when I begged and begged can I become one please?

But my mind changed after being in school for a while I heard if your blood mixes you can get a disease


Hey everyone asks why you don’t eat sweets?

I don’t want to get diabetes and my heart stops its beats

Come on you only live once don’t lock yourself up in a cage

Exactly so I have to be very careful so I only die of old age


Come on my friends shouted at me to come with us to Florida

They screamed at me don’t lock yourself up in a corner

No I don’t want to burn up its way to warm

And what’s wrong with you guys there are tornadoes and storms!


Come on said my friends lets go find four leave clovers!

Come on said my friends let’s have a sleep over!

Come on said my friends lets catch fireflies

But every time I said no in fear to die


Let’s have fun and go to the amusement park

Well no I don’t like to stay after dark

People are crazy and people are cruel

People are psycho don’t ya agree with me to


I’m not going anywhere

I’m staying right here

I have so many fears

Haven’t I made that clear?


I will stay in this house for as long as I live

And that is what I exactly did

Now I’m old with cats and a cane

Reminiscing my childhood and going insane


I kept and kept on hitting my head against the wall

I look at the laughing kids I had done nothing with my life at all

I have trapped myself in my house

When all this time my friends were trying to let me out


Now I’m old and have nothing to do

I have no friends and I’m lonely to

I sat in my room my eyes full with tears

I wanted to do so much but the only thing that stopped me was Fear

The author's comments:

This piece is about how fear stops us from doing what we dream of doing and later we regret it.

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