Vincent The Vagabond | Teen Ink

Vincent The Vagabond

March 25, 2019
By Arcturus PLATINUM, Newton, Massachusetts
Arcturus PLATINUM, Newton, Massachusetts
32 articles 0 photos 5 comments

Vincent roamed the Earth like a grazing cow

Ambling along

Taking his sweet time as if time itself was his

Stopping only to admire the scenery or indulge in the sweet wildberries of the forest

The ground was his home

Vincent visited all the great wonders of the world

And each time he scowled with disdain at their lack of natural vibrancy

Vincent was what some might call a curmudgeon

Though a simple one at best

He enjoyed the small pleasures in life

A beautiful sunset

A clear stream offering its cold water on a hot day

An old wise oak tree lifting its head towards the sky as if it was praying to the atmosphere for rain

Vincent had not one care in the world

His eyes glazed over with the technicolor of idealism and an overwhelming sense of appreciation almost akin to a young child

He lived his life wild yet fulfilled

Never wanting or needing more than he was given

He was complete

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