Endless Fight | Teen Ink

Endless Fight

March 18, 2019
By Saysay SILVER, Allentown, Pennsylvania
Saysay SILVER, Allentown, Pennsylvania
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Fire roams free through the endless night

People can’t see who they are because it’s so bright

The war the judging and the endless fight

When are people going to realize this isn’t right?


Our freedom was gained after the British controlled the Americans

This was quite a while back but it feels like where there again

Children aren’t safe, being separated from their parents

Slowly our world is dying an soon it will perish


Factories turning our air into smoke

The guns and war everyone Provoke

Our world, our people, haven’t awoke

If they had our world wouldn’t be one big joke


Our freedom, our safety, is all a lie

We shouldn’t see each other as enemies but allies

We all have intelligence we need to apply

Young people dying and it’s too early to say goodbye


Were supposed to be the United States yet, it doesn’t feel like where united

Money bringing greed, and it feels like we can never fight it

It seems to me our freedom was never gained

If it was I wouldn’t hear screams of pain


When is the last time you have heard the sweet singing from a bird

That’s because the gun shots are too loud for the good in the earth to be heard

Instead we still attack others after we know what happened when the 9/11 occurred

Slaughtering others and going exactly against gods words


Our world is dying, people don’t notice because their blinded by all this cruelty

There’s so much darkness covering our light and feels like our country has no beauty

But there is so much beauty that we will never discover

Not until our hearts are filled and we learn to love each other

The author's comments:

This piece is about the war and fighting that has been going on in this world

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