2/14/19 | Teen Ink


March 15, 2019
By bnokomis BRONZE, Wilmington, Massachusetts
bnokomis BRONZE, Wilmington, Massachusetts
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"It's the little things in life."

Valentine's Day comes only once a year
Spreading love and so much cheer,
Young love is so sweet
They give each other scrumptious treats

Radiant roses and creamy chocolates galore
Many people willinging to find love and explore
Balloons with letters that read “I love you”
Feeling super excited because you know it’s true

I love love with all of my heart
My love for love will never part
Kindness and happiness is all I see
Some people don't like to love, so let them be

But after a while
They will regret not getting in on the fun
Just wait until they stop and smile
Then you know that the job is done

Love is beautiful
Love is here
Love is all around us
Do not fear

The author's comments:

I love that all this piece talks about is love. I love love and this feeling is certainly something to spread!

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