Bigger Than a Dinner Plate | Teen Ink

Bigger Than a Dinner Plate

March 6, 2019
By AnnaKoeberlein BRONZE, Louisville, Kentucky
AnnaKoeberlein BRONZE, Louisville, Kentucky
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Eight yellow and red eyes penetrate my soul,

gouging a hole of fear that pumps my heart into a state of panic.

I feel the tippity-tapping of eight itty-bitty, furry legs

crawling in my mouth,

expelling all the saliva until I’m as parched as though

I haven’t had water in days.

The spider is smaller than my finger,

but, in my mind, it is bigger than a dinner plate.

Suddenly, I am there, in my dream,

hovering over a clear pool

deeper than an abyss and

pulling me down, down, down to the spider.

I wake up, but there stands the spider, wide as night,

replacing my pillow.

The author's comments:

This poem discusses what it is really like to have arachnophobia. It will give anyone the chills, whether they have a fear of spiders or not.

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