Together Alone | Teen Ink

Together Alone

January 18, 2019
By shume9117 BRONZE, Rochester, Michigan
shume9117 BRONZE, Rochester, Michigan
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
You're braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think- Winnie the Pooh

I climbed  the great oak’s branch,

The tallest one I could reach.

Its bark--

The housing unit for my many friends,

The colonizing ant.

Between the bundles of greens,

I watched below me.

A ball bouncing back and forth,

The girl befriended a wall.

The others in pods,



Passing balls between multiple beings.

Hidden in sight,

She stood alone.

Maybe one had to be alone to see.

So I swung down from my secluded tree.

“Will you kick this ball with me?”

Together, Two beings passed, like how its supposed to be.

I hope the wall wasn’t too lonely.

Or the tree.

The author's comments:

Through a commical tone, I display a memory taking place on an elementry school court yard 10 years ago. This experience, though so fugitive, was one of the biggest impacts of my life. At that time, I built up the courage out of my shy self and displayed and act of kindness that gave me my number one supporter today, my best friend. Sometimes the littlest impressions make the largest impacts.

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