My Apology | Teen Ink

My Apology

January 11, 2019
By phoebeyoung03 BRONZE, Silt, Colorado
phoebeyoung03 BRONZE, Silt, Colorado
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I just want to say I'm sorry

to myself

You trusted me to take care of you;

you put your heart in my hands and,


I let it crumble in the hands of a boy who

never deserved you. He let me believe that

he, although broken himself, could fix us.

I now know, that a fire cannot be lit

with a burnt out match. And although we too

made mistakes, his were infinitly more


To live without the ability to


is not life. It is glorified selfishness, an excuse

to give up when it is better to

hold on.

I praise you for understanding that, when he

did not. If there is something I want you to take from me, it's this:

You are worth much more than he led you to believe. You are and always have been, stronger than you know. Most importantly, you are free to be yourself, to live the way you choose. While it may be difficult, I only hope you never surrender your personal liberties for love again. Phoebe, you deserve to love, and be loved, by someone who knows how. Do not cry over a dead end. Smile, for there are many other roads to choose from.

The author's comments:

I recently went through a breakup, and I wrote this as a reminder, to myself, that a breakup is not the end of the world. It is about self love, personal strength, and overcoming negativities in your life.

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