Anything for You | Teen Ink

Anything for You

January 6, 2019
By LilyFQC SILVER, Anita, Iowa
LilyFQC SILVER, Anita, Iowa
5 articles 1 photo 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Reach for the moon. Even if you miss, you'll land among the stars."<br /> -Unknown

You want me to leave?

I'll leave.

You want me to laugh?

I'll laugh.


I'll cry.

I'll do whatever it takes to make sure you stay around on this Earth,

Just for a little longer.

So you can see that it makes sense to live.

So you can see that YOU matter.

So you can see...


You want me to go out of your life..?

Fine then.

As long as you're happy.

I'll get out the gun.

The knife.

The rope.

And I'll leave,

Just to prove to you that you're worth it.

Even if I'm not.

I want you to stay around. 

I want you to live.

Even if I don't.

I want you to stay on this Earth.

You'll do something great, I just know it.

I know I won't.

I'll die for you, any day.

I will do ANYTHING,

As long as you survive.

I will drown for you.

I will get shot for you.

I will burn slowly for you.

As long as you're happy.

As long as..


I just..

I just watched you kill yourself.

Right in front of me.

Right in front of my crying, dying self.

I'll join you.

I grabbed the knife you have just killed yourself with.

I looked at your still wet blood.

I put that same knife through my heart, 

The exact same way I watched you do.

I'm joining you now, 

As I see the room fade from my vision.

I see flashing lights out the windows,

Red and blue.

I watch that fade too.

I see the light...

You're standing at the end.

I run to you, 

I hold you tight,

As we start our journey through the afterlife.

Even now,

I would still go to hell instead of losing you.

I would do ANYTHING not to lose you.

My best friend.

My everything.

My life...

I still miss you from time to time, 

knowing that day,

Where I watched you die.

Where I...

Where I didn't.

I didn't pick up that knife.

I called 911, watching you die slowly.


I was too scared.

But I promise you this-

I will see you again,

My friend. 

3 years is 3 years too long.


I will STILL do anything for you.

Just to see you again.

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