Goodbye, My Friends | Teen Ink

Goodbye, My Friends

January 6, 2019
By LilyFQC SILVER, Anita, Iowa
LilyFQC SILVER, Anita, Iowa
5 articles 1 photo 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Reach for the moon. Even if you miss, you'll land among the stars."<br /> -Unknown

I'm sorry

I didn't mean to hurt you,

But I have.

And it's going to keep happening.

Because I won't stop.

And I won't change.

So I'm going to blame it on other people,

And pretty soon,

My friends will leave me,

And I won't know what hit me.

I'll soon quit for a while, and come back.

I'll have changed.

I'll be better,


I won't.

I'll come back the same.

And I'll lose my friends AGAIN.

The cycle repeats,

Until no one believes me anymore.

The Girl who Cried Wolf.

Or should I say fox?

Since everyone is a fox...

I'll crawl back to my friends, apologizing.

But they won't accept me.

I've hurt them too much.

And pretty soon,

I'll be alone once more.

And I still won't know what I've done wrong.

Goodbye, my once friends that I've pushed.

The author's comments:

This is about an old friend that I used to have on an online game. She ended up quitting, so I'm not really sure whatever happened to her.

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