Erase Yourself, Dad | Teen Ink

Erase Yourself, Dad

December 17, 2018
By alonefone GOLD, Louisville, Kentucky
alonefone GOLD, Louisville, Kentucky
13 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Never feel sorry for yourself"


Oh, dad!

Wake up!

I hear the ice cream truck

Ringing by

With its usual melancholy mindset

Drilled into my brain

And then suddenly

it all leaked into my veins

And now I'm crying

On the sidewalk pointing at a wrapped chocolate bar


Distant as a flying bird

Oh dad

No hair and your spine now taunts me through your shirt

Where is my dad?

Vann park hid you so clearly

Beyond the fence

I saw you crying

And picking pebbles out between your toes

The tears were too much and I am afraid of crying with you

Dying with you

It's hard to say

That I knew my dad well and was with him every moment until he was gone

But he was gone

When I was born

And after that I only remember glimpses of him

Are they even of him?

I really don't remember

If he loved me

But his bottle really showed

And now so does his spine


And it

Haunts me

Taunts me

The memory of his bald head and hollow eyes still kill me

Oh, dad

Let me sleep

Even if it is the bottle that sings to me

I will listen with you

care with you

But I don’t dare look at you


all I can see is your spine

The author's comments:

I wrote this about my dad and actually recorded it as a song but after editing it for publication I decided it is better as a poem.

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