The Love of a Dog | Teen Ink

The Love of a Dog

December 13, 2018
By onthemoon BRONZE, Olympia, Washington
onthemoon BRONZE, Olympia, Washington
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Big, small, fluffy, trimmed,

Hyper, calm, affectionate, shy;

A tilted head and perked ears,

They super love you, no matter why;

Their tail beats happy heavy metal.

Thud. Thud. Thudding on the floor.

Excitement shaking in their bones,

Bursting with love it seems they couldn’t hold more.

It’s late and dark when you get home.

They’re bouncing off the walls patiently,

Thinking you might’ve left forever,

But they love you and welcome you home graciously.

Tracking you at your feet,

Attached with an invisible rope.

All they want are sweet pets and

All they have is love; it gives you hope.

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