Where I'm From | Teen Ink

Where I'm From

November 28, 2018
By epari BRONZE, Luling, Louisiana
epari BRONZE, Luling, Louisiana
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I am from old recipe books

from Lucky Charms and Hubba Bubba gum.

I am from the salt water pool.

(Cool, crystal clear,

it felt refreshing.)

I am from the oak trees,

the big palm tree

whose limbs I could touch and swing from.

I’m from the beach trips and light eyes

From Rick and Janet

and Ludora.

I’m from the great storytelling and

hugs from distant relatives.

From “How was your day?” and

“Go to sleep!”

I’m from paper chain Christmas countdowns,

and Christmas Eve masses.

I’m from Cajun Country and the Crecent City,

crawfish and red beans,

from the time my grandfather fell off a ladder

helping a neighbor,

the music my uncle plays in an orchestra.

On top of the mantle,

clustered frames that hold old memories that I keep.

These early years,

to which I will continue to hold with me forever.

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