Seasons | Teen Ink


November 19, 2018
By BrineLee BRONZE, Diamond Bar, California
BrineLee BRONZE, Diamond Bar, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Vis-a-vis the fact that it is equally conceivable everything is absolutely meaningful and that everything is absolutely meaningless, in other words, that the scales are equally high, we must throw the weight of our own being into one of the scales." - Viktor Frankl

In Autumn, the leaves blow weary off the ground, in a non dreadful but pleasant ordeal, changing color and meaning

In the Spring, the leaves grow again upon request of mother nature, in hues of green, reaching ephemeral, vibrant color

In Winter, the leaves wither as they decompose on the blank sidewalk, with no specific intentions

In Summer, fiery hot weather expunges the dreary wintry air, a replacement unmatched by any other phenomena

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