Where I'm From | Teen Ink

Where I'm From

November 15, 2018
By RachelleB BRONZE, Kenner, Louisiana
RachelleB BRONZE, Kenner, Louisiana
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I am from muddy shoes

From coloring books to the hot and humid outdoors.

I am from the messy dirt surrounding my grandma’s house,

So dirty I had to wash my shoes every day.

I am from the thorn bushes

That I always ended up sticking my hand through

And would always cut me.

In my mom’s sewing room

Filled with polaroids on the wall,

To family gatherings to look back at the good times.

Always looking to see how much we have grown

And looking forward to the memories we have yet to make.

The author's comments:

This poem is about my childhood and my loving family.

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