Flatline | Teen Ink


October 29, 2018
By emsmiles00 BRONZE, Agoura Hills, California
emsmiles00 BRONZE, Agoura Hills, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

We look up, we look down, we look left, we look right, our eyes move, but do we truly see

the world

a sphere of wonder, of beauty

to a child

Yet for us, we see only

the screen, the figure, the aura, we sense it; the sum of one’s parts in a tenth of a second before

glancing back down

Nature’s first green is gold

The shifting of creatures in autumn, what a beautiful transition

for nature

Yet for us, we see only

impending doom of applications, scores and scores of “stuff” to learn, scribbles to memorize

no transformation in these creatures

We are unity

We feel deeply

Yet, we allow the nature to sink to the background

seeing not what our body cries out for


but we prioritize

over our very heartbeat

Until it




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