clothes | Teen Ink


October 24, 2018
By Scordjoe_Pierock BRONZE, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
Scordjoe_Pierock BRONZE, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Clothes, style, and how I use them, they pertain to personality. In order to show this I will use my father and me. My father dresses for the job but always there is a hint of professionalism. Whereas I dress in jeans, a black or gray coat, with darker underlining colors. I use these to describe a part of me with each article of clothing. Today I wear a black coat, a maroon shirt, and jeans. I although portray myself by wearing  army green shoes, black socks, and no belt. Today my dad probable wears a dress shirt, dress pants, and dress shoes (also with black socks.

I wear my style because it shows adventure and survival but also a sense of leadership and reason. Whereas my dad taking a very different approach uses his articles to produce a sense of importance and uphold the ladder of leadership being the very center of philosophy and management. My dad's clothing provides the mentality of professionalism. My clothing produces a mentality of “lone wolf who has friends.”In the end me and my dad use clothing to present what's on the mind.

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