Realization | Teen Ink


October 22, 2018
By Rjbern BRONZE, Whitehall, Michigan
Rjbern BRONZE, Whitehall, Michigan
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Most people say that it is the intellect which makes a great scientist. They are wrong: it is character."
-Albert Einstien

It’s not till after when you realize,

realize what you’ve done

realize what mistakes you’ve made

realize how much you’ve lost

Till you’ve lost it

Lost it in the wind

Blowing so far away

Like a balloon so high in the air

And you, the hopeful kid chasing it,

Slowly realize that you’ve lost it forever

The author's comments:

I've felt really emotional for a while.  Feeling hopeless.  Feeling like I've lost something.  So I started to write.  And like it was natural these words started to flow onto the page like it was clay meant to be formed into this one piece.  I had to share this with people so they can hopefully connect with it as well as I did.

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