Chaos | Teen Ink


October 19, 2018
By hexagonnoah BRONZE, Northampton, Massachusetts
hexagonnoah BRONZE, Northampton, Massachusetts
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Chaos all around me;

Too much ambient noise.

I cannot work,

I cannot think,

all this ambient noise around me.

Silence all around me;

Funny line in my book.

I laugh out loud,

and turn around,

and show it to my friend.

Silence all around them;

And then they hear a noise:

“Look at this,”

they hear it clear,

they hear it in my voice.

Laughter all around them,

All because of me.

Now I see;

I understand,

the chaos all around us.

The author's comments:

I wrote this piece because sometimes I get frustrated about chaos and noise in my classroom.

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