Unseen | Teen Ink


October 11, 2018
By vsarmiento BRONZE, Wilmington, California
vsarmiento BRONZE, Wilmington, California
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Unseen “Gift”

“You are a very bright person, you have a special special talent. Find the light and use it as a guide. Use it and you will succeed” Yet, you will never know what it feels like, having people telling you there is a bright future up ahead. But, feeling everyday that it goes unappreciated. Feeling that whatever you do will never be seen as a good job but, rather seen as a “do this instead” or an on going lecture of a how-to.  Now--now i understand, I think. You want me to do better, well i'm going to do better. To prove it to you. That I can do it. And all the discouraging words you have said, will all be swallowed with your pride. And you will soon realize the talents within. The talents everyone says your daughter has but you criticize. The so say so talents your daughter has but will never go recognized in your eyes. Like the life of a smoker your words deteriorate my desire to play on the field every time you are around. And this is a letter to you, a letter of how i felt every time you would criticize me and like a lottery ticket scratcher, you would scratch away the  belief that i can do it if i set my mind to it. So thank you, thank you for helping me mature and evolve into the person i am today. I now look up to all the criticism and see it as a way to better myself because now i understand. You want what's best and i thank you for everything you do for us. From the roof on our heads to the socks we put on our feet. I thank you for it all. But i wish you would see the gift you birthed me with. Let the light shine and guide you to see how I hard, I too, work for my future.

                                Yours Truly,

                               Your little girl

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