You Never Know What You'll Find | Teen Ink

You Never Know What You'll Find

October 11, 2018
By makinzymainieri2019 BRONZE, Saint Peters, Missouri
makinzymainieri2019 BRONZE, Saint Peters, Missouri
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

You see a girl walking in the hallway at school.

She catches you off guard, and the first thing you notice

is the locket she’s wearing around her neck.

It’s beautiful, just how you would imagine the perfect locket.

It’s a shimmering silver, heart shaped, with a dazzling rhinestone on the front.

She’s wearing it high on her chest, where it cannot be missed.  

The whole rest of the day you can’t help but to wonder what is inside.  

Little do you know, when you finally open it,

you’ll be very surprised…

After days and days of trying to open the locket,

you finally have the chance.

You open the locket, first you see a picture of a schoolhouse.

This picture represents moving schools,

leaving all friends,

and suddenly spending everyday with complete strangers.

You see a picture of a little girl.

Who represents a little sister,

who was taken, and now lives hours away.

Immediately this is not what you expected,

but you're curious so you dig deeper.

Then you see a man,

this picture represents the loss of a father,

recent, and very much too soon.

Next you see a picture of a woman,

representing a mother… or actually

a mother who never was…

You see many other pictures, but not all of them make sense.  

To this girl, this locket means everything.  

The pictures inside show severe struggles she has overcome,

and what events in her life have made her

the strong girl she is now.

The author's comments:

This poem includes many parts of my past that were very hard to overcome.  I don't like to tell many people about the obstsacles i've faced, so it took a lot of courage to perform this piece in front of the class. 

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