Nature of Death | Teen Ink

Nature of Death

October 3, 2018
By kylejohnson777 BRONZE, Canton, Illinois
kylejohnson777 BRONZE, Canton, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It is the most beautiful thing in the world
It is where we come from and where we return to
It is the morning sun
The dew in the grass
Nature is the beginning and the end of everything
It makes up everything
From the worms in the dirt
To the trees that bear fruit
Nature is beautiful
It is a fawn laying next to its mother
It is the most honest thing on the planet
But with beauty also comes chaos
Just like everything wonderful comes to an end
It consumes the beauty of nature
Like a snake eating a mouse
But it’s necessary for nature to continue
Without death, there is no life
Just like there is no light without darkness
Death is a puma creeping up on its prey
It is an unavoidable hole
That leads to a void of darkness
It is a blossom that blooms in the winter
But in the end
Death is a cruel, unforgivable joke for those who roam the afterlife
It is ugly
But it can make beautiful things

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