Where I'm From | Teen Ink

Where I'm From

September 20, 2018
By me_only21 SILVER, Not Specified, Wisconsin
me_only21 SILVER, Not Specified, Wisconsin
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I am from compassion and sincerity.

I am from strong values and exceptionalism.

I am from the weight of expected success-

from the reminder to never give up,

from diligence and dominance.

I’m from disappointment.

I am from perfect attendance in school-

from whispers to never turn back,

from patience and perseverance.

I’m from struggling to pass classes.

I am from the belief in patriotism-

from pledging my allegiance to the flag,

from responsibility and respectfulness.
I’m from deficiency.


I am from honesty-

from mistakes as lessons,

from sincerity and self-respect.

I’m from forfeiture.

I am from compassion and sincerity.

I am from strong values and exceptionalism.

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