The Merbeth Story | Teen Ink

The Merbeth Story

September 20, 2018
By Merby1238 SILVER, Sussex, Wisconsin
Merby1238 SILVER, Sussex, Wisconsin
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Where I'm  from

I'm from a Generations of ancestors from Germany,

I'm from family that  sneaked their way out of Soviet ruled Eastern Germany,

I'm from a grandfather who used his last 10 dollars to get a one way boat ticket from France to New York.

Where I'm from

I'm from a farm built by my grandparents in the 60’s off HWY K,

I'm from long hard days of work on the farm from racking hay to stacking bailes,

I'm from a grandpa and dad who never stop working until the job is done.

Where I'm from

I'm from Sussex Wisconsin,

I'm from a family who loves to be outdoors whether its  hunting and fishing or taking ATV rides,

To a family who would not be where we are without hard work.

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