The Circle of Life | Teen Ink

The Circle of Life

September 18, 2018
By Catie_May BRONZE, Flower Mound, Texas
Catie_May BRONZE, Flower Mound, Texas
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

‌the heart of a daisy
a dilated pupil in the eye of a surprised birthday girl
a penny on the sidewalk outside a convenience store
the new moon on a clear night
a button on the blouse of a receptionist
pebbles in a babbling brook
painted toenails on a girl tanning at the beach
a ferris wheel at the local fair
a wedding ring on the finger of a crying widow
a rabbit hole that leads to Wonderland
the letter ‘o’
a spiral galaxy floating in the cosmos
the Target logo at midnight
an open mouth at an all-you-can-eat buffet
the monocle on the Monopoly man                                                                                  ‌the rim of a fishbowl being pawed at by a cat
the cushion on a stool at a sports bar
belly buttons on hula dancers at a party
a donut in the hand of a police officer
a camera lens snapping a shot of a puppy
the rising sun after a graduate student’s all-nighter
a Froot Loop floating in a bowl of milk
a hula hoop around the hips of a six-year-old
the mane around a lion’s face at the zoo
a naked dandelion after its seeds are blown into the wind
kids playing ring-around-the-rosy at recess
the palm of an hand awaiting a high five
the dot on a die at a casino
the spots on a dalmation riding in a firetruck
a daisy wilting in the sun

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