Dining With Dinosaurs | Teen Ink

Dining With Dinosaurs

September 18, 2018
By Catie_May BRONZE, Flower Mound, Texas
Catie_May BRONZE, Flower Mound, Texas
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

‌Ellie pours milk over her rainbow Froot Loops.
Her mother was talking about  the first grade,
But Ellie stares at her milky purple goop,
Thinking about what dinos eat for breakfast.

Some of them eat grass,
Some of them eat trees,
Some of them choose to pass
And sleep until the dark runs free.

And then there are the big ones
Who choose to eat the small,
But those guys aren’t very fun.
Ellie doesn’t like them at all.

‌And Ellie’s favorite dinosaur-
Pterodactyl with a silent ‘p’.
The dinos that fly and soar
Above the tall green trees.

But Ellie sits at the table with her mom
and her Froot Loop goop
and her Triceratops shoes
Hoping and wishing that there will be a dinosaur at school!

The author's comments:

This poem is about a little girl named Ellie and her fascination with the eating habits of prehistoric creatures.

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