You´ve Now Divided It | Teen Ink

You´ve Now Divided It

September 14, 2018
By noangelava BRONZE, Atl, Georgia
noangelava BRONZE, Atl, Georgia
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

By stepping forward, 
You have now divided it. 
Do not turn back now- 
The silence doesn’t own you. 

Speak up and reach out 
And those who want to evolve, 
They will come join you. 

Half will walk to you, others won’t. 
Welcome all the brave 
Into your warm, open arms. 

Now rise up together. 

Let the mindsets of today 
Stay behind and rot. 

Abandon the silent crowd. 

Your words have power 
Words of those standing with you 
Can change society. 

Silence will deteriorate. 
Today you will progress. 
The silence doesn’t own you, 
You’ve divided it. 

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