I Was The Hero | Teen Ink

I Was The Hero

May 11, 2016
By Bryhay BRONZE, Sylacauga, Alabama
Bryhay BRONZE, Sylacauga, Alabama
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I was the hero.

Mighty was I.

Climbing higher and higher,

Into life's endless sky.


All the way up,

As I conquered each base.

I never once realized

That each step, was a face.


A face of innocence,

Of purity too.

I had climbed on their dreams,

To make mine come true.


I had avenged their cities,

Or so I had thought.

But when I turned to accept gratitude

All I received was distraught.


I had made a shining pathway,

To achieve my high set goals.

But as I turned around to look,

I saw it wasn't made of gold.


As I looked a little closer,

I saw the truth behind its shine.

It wasn't my hard works,

It wasn't even mine.


The path had shined for reasons,

That I took the credit for.

When really, all was due to

The one's who had lived before.


To the caretakers, and the lovers.

To the ones who had shared.

The dreamers, the hopers

The ones that truly cared.


After surveying its beauty,

Of crystals big and small.

I finally came to realize,

It was created by them all.


By the faces I had stepped on,

To reach my mountain top.

By the cities I had gated

Just to see the villains stop.


As I stumbled to the fact,

That my city was dying.

Another thing hit me,

I wasn't even trying.


I found out determination,

Is not always the key.

Because if none of us had love,

Where on Earth would we be?


All my great feats,

Meant nothing to me now.

For I had lost in me, my love

Something I couldn't live without.


So I hung my once-loved cape

Against the closet wall.

After all the dreams I crushed,

Was I even the hero after all?

The author's comments:

I was inspired by the poet, Erin Hanson. I enjoy reading her poems and wanted to write something similar to them. Usually I can get an idea from very little information, it's just a matter of filling in the holes. With this peom, I already had the title and the last line in mind, all I had left was completing the body. I want people to understand that being on top doesn't make you a mountain. Even with all the money in the world, no one can be happy without love.

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This article has 0 comments.

Msnanny said...
on May. 16 2016 at 3:48 pm
Wonderful poem. Evidently lots of thinking went into it. Had to come from your intermost being.

Mrshay said...
on May. 16 2016 at 3:04 pm
Awesome poem! So proud of you!!