What shapes who I am | Teen Ink

What shapes who I am

April 10, 2016
By Jazzy_Love BRONZE, San Diego, California
Jazzy_Love BRONZE, San Diego, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
The smile on my face doesn't mean my life is perfect. It means I appreciate what I have and what god has blessed me with.

- M. Pounce

Where I’m from, everything has a story behind it.
If I tell you where I’m from, will I be criticized
Or will you stop me from achieving my goals based on my ethnicity?
The stereotypes in the United States, say Mexicans are nothing compared to Whites.
Everywhere I go, I always get that face like if I were spreading a disease.
The face which makes you feel uncomfortable.
But where I’m from, nobody discriminates each other.
But where I’m from, everyone is nice.
But where I’m from, you may see sadness.
But where I’m from, it might open your eyes and show you to be grateful for what you have.
See children running barefoot, as they feel pointy things on their feet as they chase one another, giggling.
For my dad, running barefoot was nothing but an option due to the lack of money in his childhood.
But now everything had changed based on my dad’s progression.
If it wasn’t for him and my mother’s hard work, I would be living the same childhood as he did.
Many opportunities knock at his door which have given us a better life than he had.
Now every time the sun rises and lights our day, I am thankful to God for giving me an opportunity to make a difference in my life.
No matter if that one person tells me
“ You can’t do it because you are Mexican!”
I will prove to everyone that we, Mexicans, are capable of achieving in life and prove those stereotypes wrong.

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