Depression Is Real | Teen Ink

Depression Is Real

February 17, 2016
By Shavell BRONZE, Canton, Illinois
Shavell BRONZE, Canton, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

At school she is so happy
With all of her friends
Or so it looks even though she’s sappy
She is unhappy all the time

Inside she feels like dying
Everyone thinks she is fine
She thought off a cliff she’d go diving
Then maybe the world would be fine

Her parents don’t worry
She stays in her room
She is a teenager it’s normal to be gloomy
Sometimes Their other kids did that too

Everyday she said she would do it
Someone always got in the way
She wanted to throw a fit
She wanted to let them know

She hated herself
Not one thing she liked
It was the same for everyone else
She was almost ready

She was crying all day
Stayed home from school
Her sister came home and didn’t know what to say
She asked if she was okay

She said yes it was just her stomach
She went to her bed
Said she had a headache
She would never get the chance

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