High School | Teen Ink

High School

September 30, 2015
By bails7692 BRONZE, Billings, Montana
bails7692 BRONZE, Billings, Montana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I walk through the halls with a smile on my face,
People may think I'm happy, but that's not the case;
No one understands me I just want to be alone,
In a place more loving that maybe feels like home.

To my left is some girls spreading a rumor,
Trying to fit in with their crude humor,
I hear the rude comments, and see the evil glares
So I try not to tremble as I reach the stairs.

I walk past a boy with his girlfriend by his side,
If only she knew what he is trying to hide;
Some people may say he should go to hell,
Yet those people know and are too scared to tell.

There's a lot of drama at every corner I turn,
With people being mean as a funny burn;
If only we could come together,
Maybe we would better understand each other.

The girl from math class could be your friend,
If you knew she wanted her life to end;
The best four years of my life,
Then why do so many people cut with a knife.

Some say the way I am feeling is foggy like a dream,
But to me it's a nightmare and I just want to scream;
What is this place where the biggest desire is to be cool,
This place, my dear, is called high school.

The author's comments:

This is written from the point of view of a high schooler to let people who do not like high school to know they are not alone.

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