Passing | Teen Ink


May 14, 2014
By Chandal BRONZE, Queens, New York
Chandal BRONZE, Queens, New York
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Remind Yourself that is okay not to be perfect"

Un said words
Empty souls
Time passing us by
Days passing
Nothing said
Nothing heard
Fighting the urge to cave in
To love
To care
Weeks passing
No sign
No emotion
Trying to convince myself that
Your coming back
That the phone will ring and it will be you asking how I've been
Months pass
I've lost all sign of hope
All love gone
A burning fire takes over my heart
Tears turned into words said with rage
Your name turned into an item
Years have pass
I no longer mention you
I no longer remember who you are
Or what you meant
As if you were never here

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