The Skier | Teen Ink

The Skier

March 16, 2014
By Isaac Coohey BRONZE, Cascade, Iowa
Isaac Coohey BRONZE, Cascade, Iowa
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

He wakes up early to be the first on the slopes.
Stepping out the door, he steps into his skies.
The fresh snow from the night before gives him high hopes.
Looking around he smiles at what he sees.

The slopes are covered with a fresh new powder.
His skies glide over the snow with ease.
For breakfast he filled up with nice hot chowder.
The soup will keep him warm against the coldest breeze.

He reaches the bottom to go back to the top.
This early in the morning the chairlift has no line.
Reaching the summit, he jumps off with a hop.
He takes a deep breath full of scents such as pine.

Exhaling slowly, he leans forward and moves.
He picks up speed and begins weaving back and forth.
Ducking into the trees, he follows old grooves.
His vacation is perfect, this far up north.

The author's comments:
i enjoy skiing in my freetime and felt inspired to write this poem.

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