Picture Perfect | Teen Ink

Picture Perfect

March 4, 2014
By Djspoopyjimm SILVER, Ventura, California
Djspoopyjimm SILVER, Ventura, California
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
There is a crack in everything
That's how the light gets in.
-Leonard Cohen

Once there was a girl,
Just like you and me
She always tried her best
To be the best that she could be

When she was you, she did ballet
She could take your breath away.
In school she was a genius,
She always got strait ‘A’s.
She loved her family,
And she lived life happily.
She always used to think that the world was a dream
Soon she’d have to learn that life is not what it would seem.

We don’t live in a picture perfect world
With picture perfect boys and picture perfect girls
Sometimes life takes a turn for the worst
But you’ve got to hold on, even when it hurts

Once there was a girl,
Her life got kind of tough
She always tried her best
But sometimes her best wasn’t enough

They said she had potential
But effort was essential
They took away ballet
And she began to grow resentful
Her parents grew apart
And I know it broke her heart
Her world fell apart when her mom and dad split up
She was still so young, but she was forced to grow up

We don’t live in a picture perfect world
With picture perfect boys and picture perfect girls
Sometimes life takes a turn for the worst
But you’ve got to hold on, even when it hurts

Once there was a girl,
Her life kind of sucked
She was tiered of trying her best
So she decided to give up

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