"A Lesson of Love" | Teen Ink

"A Lesson of Love"

January 2, 2014
By livvg BRONZE, Las Vegas, Nevada
livvg BRONZE, Las Vegas, Nevada
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

In Verona, Italy this story does initiate;
A story of lust, an account of hate.
The Montagues and Capulets were engaged in a feud,
The hostility between them couldn't be subdued.
Their servants start fighting and a brawl arises,
Benvolio tries to stop it; no fighting he advises.
Tybalt starts feuding with Benvolio,
Then Prince Escalus arrives to stop the foes.
He says that death will result from disturbing the peace,
But with his announcement the violence didn't cease.

Benvolio runs into Romeo, who's filled with grief,
Romeo admits Rosaline has stolen his heart like a thief.
Romeo loves her but she doesn't love him back,
Benvolio tells Romeo a better girl he does lack.

A man named Paris longs to marry Juliet,
Because of her young age her father said not yet.
Capulet, Juliet's father, gives a servant his party guest list.
Not giving up for Juliet's hand in marriage, Paris still persists.
Capulet puts Paris's name on the list with secret intentions,
Little did he know someone would serve as an intervention.

Benvolio and Romeo come across Capulet's guest list,
Benvolio suggests they go and Romeo doesn't resist.
He only agrees because on the list he sees Rosaline's name,
But his faithfulness was fickle and soon he'd find a new dame.

Meanwhile Juliet talks with her mother and nurse,
They talk about marriage, and Juliet isn't averse.
She admits marriage isn't something she has pondered about,
She agrees to glance at Paris to see if an interest could sprout.

Mercutio, Benvolio, and Romeo enter the feast,
Romeo sees Juliet and his love for Rosaline ceased.
Tybalt sees Romeo and becomes outraged,
The fact that a Montague was there made him enraged.
He tried to fight Romeo but Capulet holds him back,
Romeo's heart was the only thing under attack.
Juliet and Romeo were magnets full of attraction,
Being together would bring them both satisfaction.
Juliet and Romeo instantly fall in love and kiss,
But one key fact about each other they did miss.
Little did they know their families were rivals,
If only they had known that upon Romeo's arrival.
The news of hatred caused them both to be distraught.
Benvolio and Mercutio leave without getting caught.
Instead of leaving, Romeo goes to Juliet's garden and hides,
He hears her speak his name and once again their hearts collide.

Romeo tells Friar Lawrence of his new girl,
Friar is shocked at how quickly his new love unfurls.
Although hesitant, he agrees to marry the two lovers.
He hoped that the feuding would stop and they could all be brothers.
The next day Romeo and Juliet have their wedding,
It was a wonderful day filled with no regretting.

The next day Tybalt challenges Romeo to a duel,
He doesn't partake because he wasn't a fool.
Since Tybalt was Juliet's cousin Romeo and Tybalt were related,
Romeo just longed for Tybalt's anger and hostility to be belated.
Mercutio decides to fight Tybalt since Romeo wouldn't,
Mercutio didn't understand that Romeo couldn't.
Romeo tries to stop Tyblat and Mercutio from fighting,
Under Romeo's arm is where Tybalt did his smiting.
Mercutio dies and Romeo becomes filled with hate,
He kills Tybalt and thought of Juliet when it was too late.
Romeo flees from the scene in a sufficient hurry,
The Prince decides Romeo's fate steaming with furry.
He declares that Romeo will be put in exile,
Romeo hoped that it would only be for a while.

The nurse tells Juliet that Tybalt is dead,
And his killer is the man to whom she is wed.
Juliet is confused on what to think and feel,
But then she realizes her commitment to Romeo is real.

Romeo and Juliet get one last night filled with passion.
In the morning they say good-bye filled with deep compassion.
Capulet wants Juliet to marry Paris in just three days,
Juliet doesn't like this and doesn't want to obey.
She doesn't know what to do and she's filled with confusion,
She debates her options, but she can't come to a conclusion.
She can't tell her parents she's already wed,
But marrying Paris would bring nothing but dread.
She goes to the nurse for helpful advice,
But her disloyal words didn't suffice.
Juliet remains absolutely unsure about what to do,
The Friar makes a plan so the lovers don't have to say adieu.
Friar Lawrence gives her a potion that will make her seem not alive,
He tells her at her funeral her body would be revived.
Romeo would come rescue her from her families crypt,
A plan that ended in happiness, but then it got flipped.

The wedding gets moved to a day ahead,
So Juliet drinks the potion and appears to be dead.
Romeo never hears of the plan because of Friar John,
Romeo is only informed that his precious Juliet is gone.
He left from Mantua when he heard of her death,
And he decided to take away his own dancing breath,
He buys poison from a reluctant man who was poor,
Then he goes to Juliet's grave to make his death assure.
When Romeo arrives Paris is already at her tomb.
They fight and Romeo kills the would have been groom.
Paris's last request was to lay next to Juliet,
Romeo agrees even though he was a Capulet.
Romeo drinks the vial and falls dead by Juliet's side,
Friar Lawrence arrives and realizes how the men died.

Friar Lawrence hears the watch and Juliet awakes,
Friar Lawrence becomes afraid and leaves for his own sake.
Juliet grasps that Romeo is dead because of his drink,
Juliet kisses his lips without stopping to think.
Death didn't come so she used a dagger to end her life,
And then they were dead, a husband and a wife.

The watch, Prince, Montagues, and Capulets arrive,
And because of her grief, Lady Montague no longer thrives.
The two feuding families decided to love one another,
Because of two dead star-crossed lovers.

The author's comments:
Shakespeare is always a challenge to grasp and understand so I wrote this poem summarizing "Romeo and Juliet" in hopes that it would help others better understand the plot and perhaps serve as a fun and easy to follow summarization of a challenging piece of literature.

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