This World (Repost) | Teen Ink

This World (Repost)

November 25, 2013
By KaitlynMatz SILVER, San Marcos, California
KaitlynMatz SILVER, San Marcos, California
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Hakuna Matata

Have you ever wondered why you’re here?
Why you were placed in this world, on that specific date?
Some don’t realize everyone means something to the world.
Some are just full of hate.

That girl with the scars on her wrists,
You don’t know her story.
You don’t know what happens every night,
Her life might not be filled with glory.

Those who decided to dedicate their life to God,
May not be here right now.
They promised to do one thing,
To always follow their vow.

That girl you called anorexic,
You don’t know what she’ll do to change.
To feel wanted and accepted into our society,
She’ll still be considered strange.

The boy you called fat,
Now he won’t even eat a crumb.
See him sitting all alone,
You ‘re now feeling dumb.

For being so blind,
Excluding those near by.
Those with the piercing blue eyes,
Maybe you should try.

Try what you may ask,
Go talk to those excluded.
Start with introducing yourself,
Don’t be so deluded.

Feeling guilty now,
About the things you said behind their back?
Start with a simple “hi”,
Don’t be so dark and black.

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