Character Prologue | Teen Ink

Character Prologue

April 18, 2013
By Ostrichman1194 BRONZE, Athens, Georgia
Ostrichman1194 BRONZE, Athens, Georgia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Expect Everything."

There was once a guy named Trent,
who when could not control his emotions was bent.
With hair rumored to be soft as bird down,
and skin as pale as a white wedding gown.
His lankiness proved lean,
for if he were not shy he be mean.
He ventured forth toward the gym,
for he wanted no other to be as fit as him.
Though no matter how hard he tried,
his physique and dreams were fried.

When he first encountered people they called him a bird,
this insult the likes of which he had never heard.
He did not make bird calls nor bawk or squawk,
but merely acted as a normal guy that would occasionally gawk.
For this is a normal thing that men do,
as they would make their perverse lists of “To-do.”
Trent would cross the school’s halls,
and look at the posters and artwork on the walls.
“I wish I could be that good,” he’d say with a sigh,
“but at least I’ve got my smarts,” which were very high.

Then as he was walking his hope turned to ash,
as his “significant other” crossed him and his emotional stash.
Her rat-ish thin hair caused him to shudder,
as would also the words she would utter.
She would assail him for his conversing,
which was in horrible versing.
He felt guilty and worthless,
and so he gave into deep loneliness.

He then suddenly realized,
that he should not feel so hazed.
He walked up to her and said “We’re Through!,”
then walked away without another word.
He felt happy at his triumph,
so much so that he had more oomph.
He felt light as a feather and high as a bird,
his ocean-blue eyes were of one who does not gird.
His gray-blonde hair flowed from its perch,
in a color lighter and nicer than bark of birch.

Trent’s appearance had a distinct habit,
of altering by the emotions he would inhibit.
His eyes would either turn stone cold blue,
or blue with a gray-ish hue.
His hair could either change to an almost black as his father,
or turn into a dirty blonde like his mother.
Some days he could look fit as michael phelps,
while on others he looks like a slacker on drugs.
Just never anger him,
because everything of him is increased as if on a whim.

Although he had issues with emotions,
doesn’t mean he was not good with others.
When it came to friends his faith is incomparable,
for this was always incorruptible.
He would feel strength when with his friends,
as if he could fight off his inner and outer fiends.
but for now this is all I will reveal,
because spoilers: there will be a tale.

The author's comments:
In my British Literature course we read The Canterbury Tales by Geoffrey Chaucer. We, the students, were tasked with writing a prologue to a character we create similar to the way each of the characters were introduced.

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