The Truth | Teen Ink

The Truth

March 25, 2013
By LoveTheDark BRONZE, Cary, Maine
LoveTheDark BRONZE, Cary, Maine
1 article 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"hold your ground"

Take my hand and let us soar,
I’ll take you to my very core.

Hold me close to your heart,
Never to fall apart.

All my life I dreamt of you,
And my love is forever true.

I vow on this journey to you alone,
That I will show you the unknown.

As the wisps of air slides across our skin,
As we arise from the ash’s of sin.

I will present my souls desire,
and never tire.

My lust for you burns bright,
As it does every night.

Yet on this day,
You decide to stay.

But its alright,
Because this is our last fight.

As you stair in my eyes,
All that love..... dies.

The author's comments:
An Poem derived from the feelings of confusion. Starts out sweet and caring. It then seeps into sadness.

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