Untitled 1 | Teen Ink

Untitled 1

November 27, 2012
By Zacks BRONZE, Liverpool, New York
Zacks BRONZE, Liverpool, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Control your life through insanity."
-cliff Burton

The more I look the more I see exactly how much pains around me
It’s hard to look in its eye and see exactly what’s inside
I’m swallowed by pain and hit with the truth
I close my eyes to act like a roof
To protect me when everything’s falling down
To help keep me on the ground
When I open my eyes what I have found
That everything’s fallen down to the ground
The people I love cease to exist as I’m falling into the dark abyss
And just when I think it has to be done
I find there’s no place left to run
So as I stare death in the face I push it aside and start to climb
I travel up the steep black walls
In search of the one thing that truly calls
The one that I love the one that I want
But when I get to the top I’m stopped by a shot
A shot through the heart that broke it in two
Then I look up and see that it’s you
Then I look into your eyes and see the sorrow and pain that’s inside
And when you turned to walk away
With my dyeing breath I tried to say
How sorry I am
How bad I feel
But my words fell upon deaf ears
And all that I tried to say was
I love you
Please don’t go away

The author's comments:
This is the first piece that I am putting up. I'm hoping this starts me off on a good note as It has done well with most people I know that have read it.

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