Acceptance of a Dreamer | Teen Ink

Acceptance of a Dreamer

August 27, 2012
By Anonymous

I am a dreamer.
I imagine for I'm a believer.

Etch, sketch. Paint, draw.
Take pictures of what I saw.

Gain knowledge, be educated.
Find a place that I'm accepted.

Stress less, simply have fun.
Learning to love everyone.

When I was younger, life was rough.
I didn't get why things were so tough.

Talk of divorce, separation.
Yelling, screaming, abuse, starvation.

Depressed. Angry. Life wasn't fair.
I could disappear and no one would care.

I'm older I know it wasn't my fault.
Merely a child. Nothing would halt.

I'm different now. Acceptance. Not mad.
For even after all the bad,

I am a dreamer.
I imagine for I'm a believer.

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