The Epic Snow Day | Teen Ink

The Epic Snow Day

September 30, 2010
By Hydeia Bradley BRONZE, South Plainfield, New Jersey
Hydeia Bradley BRONZE, South Plainfield, New Jersey
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Outside the wind whistled harshly/ as the snow flurried
People outdoors dressed warmly,/
stumbles around in a hurry
Weather reports talked about a/ cold snow storm
My family and I stayed inside to/ keep eachother warm.

I snuggled in my covers, ready to/ do my work
The lights had shut off and I/ didn't know what would lurk
The power came on and blinded me/ with brightness
The snow had let up and the sky/ had a very dim lightness.

I decided to go to bed that night/
'cuz it was late
If I waited any longer, mother/ would be full of hate
I didn't understand why, we had/ no school the next day
No sleep came to me, so my bed is/ where I lay.

The sun shone bright through my/ window the next day
Mother found it hard to keep me/ and my brother at bay
Nicholas and I, we were both/ itchin' to play
We knew we would be cold that/ entire day.

Nicholas and I went home later/ during the night
It was getting dark fast and I/ had to turn on my light
I sat at my window, watching the/ last of the snow fall
I sat and waited by my phone and/ hoped my dad would call.

When my dad didn't call, i was/ very heartbroken
A simple phone call to me would have been a great token
I soon found myself falling into/ a deep sleep
But unfortunatly, the sleep/ didn't go very deep.

I was awoken by hot weather, chirping, and bright light
I never remembered a day being/ this very bright
"Wake up Hydeia, it is time for/ you to go to school"
It was all a dream that had me/ feeling liek a fool!

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This article has 2 comments.

on Jun. 7 2011 at 12:25 pm
marissaaaaaXD BRONZE, South Plainfield, New Jersey
1 article 0 photos 2 comments
Hehe. I like it. :]

on Jun. 7 2011 at 12:23 pm
Christy Itwaru BRONZE, South Plainfield, New Jersey
2 articles 0 photos 2 comments


- I proofread it !(: