A Trip to Remember | Teen Ink

A Trip to Remember

June 13, 2010
By superpencil BRONZE, Greenville, South Carolina
superpencil BRONZE, Greenville, South Carolina
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Come all and listen to this tale
Of a jolly trip
Upon the good Bahama Star
The bright and unique ship

We started in a friendly port
Upon a Nasau dock
We loaded up and got onboard
Shipped out by twelve o’clock

Upon the salty open sea
We sailed to many an isle
Saw many an amazing thing
And toured the jungle wild

And then in the dead of night
We were hit by a squall
Our sister ship the Halceyon
Was lost, crew and all

We sailed for another day
Homeward we were bound
When we saw another ship
The Halceyon was found

The other crew was unharmed
And we set for home
Promising to return one day
On the sea to rome

That promise will be fulfilled
As I wish to be
Sailing on Bahama Star
On the shining sea

With Halceyon to my stern
And sea under my hull
Traversing ‘cross the seven seas
Following the ocean’s lull

The author's comments:
this trip really did happen. the Halceyon wasnt really lost, and we werent hit by a storm, but i added them to spice up the story a little. everything else is truth

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