The Biggest Disappointment | Teen Ink

The Biggest Disappointment

May 11, 2010
By breezy4511 BRONZE, Simla, Colorado
breezy4511 BRONZE, Simla, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It’s finally happening
The disappointments never stop
They found out what I did
I swore I wasn’t going to get caught
But the guilt of not saying anything
Became to overbearing
I had to tell someone
Because I couldn’t just stop caring
I couldn’t trust my friends
With my biggest life secret
It left me with only one choice
I had to raise my voice
We sat on the couch
And discussed what had happened
Of course my mom was crying
She thought I had to be lying
They said they were disappointed
In all the things I chose to do
They thought they raised me better
But I knew that wasn’t true
I had made a big mistake
I always knew that much
They said they wouldn’t judge me
But that exactly what they did
Till this day they still hold a grudge
I knew what I did would ruin my life
In a million different ways
He told me he’d stay with my through thick and thin
But when he heard he might have created a life
I saw the Goosebumps on his skin
I knew then the inevitable was coming
He was going to leave me
He gave up on two lives
Because a daddy was something he couldn’t be
Every commercial I see
About teens that have sex
Makes my parents look at me and say
“See we told you, and you did it anyway.”

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