Inherited Passions | Teen Ink

Inherited Passions

May 31, 2024
By leandersanchez BRONZE, Los Angeles, California
leandersanchez BRONZE, Los Angeles, California
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

One Sunday, after worship, in the kitchen's heart
Beside my dad, ready to play his culinary part,
Pancit bihon, a dish for the brethren's feast
His precise movements, a rhythmic masterpiece.

I sat on a broken chair, in admiration’s gaze,
Watching him cook, lost in a nostalgic haze,
He spoke of lolo Boni and lola Cora’s ways,
Self-taught, he learned to cook through challenging days.

With ingredients mixed in a pot, magic unfurled,
Creating flavors, confidence in every swirl,
His smile, a beacon of passion and delight,
Inspiring me to seek my own fervent light,

Chemistry, my love, a class so divine,
Mystical flasks turning liquid to pink wine,
Bubbling concoctions, pungent fumes arise,
Careful measurements, like cooking, a secret prize.

In chemistry’s realm, a secret language found,
An intricate puzzle, where mysteries abound,
Just like my dad, with his cooking so true,
I find my passion in chemistry’s hue.

The author's comments:

This piece was inspired by the bond I share with my dad in the kitchen, where his culinary skills connect us to our family's heritage and traditions. Watching him cook with precision and creativity ultimately fueled my fire for chemistry due to their similarities.

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