Ballad of Dreams | Teen Ink

Ballad of Dreams

January 28, 2023
By DhyanaBuch BRONZE, Rajkot, Other
DhyanaBuch BRONZE, Rajkot, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Crystalline snow globe above the bookshelf

Over the edge, Over the bridge crying out for help

She grieves her futile dreams in the middle of the night

Like reaching out in the murk would make it right

Flowers bloom and Rust Away

I find myself back again in Bombay

Lights shower, gush into those hollow eyes

Rocks painted in bloom, the sky above feels like Malibu

Crystalline snow globe on my desk

How can I prove myself

To the skies, to the gods, to the spirits aloft

But the snow advances to make an ice shelf

Trees have grown twenty-three

Drowning the world in a black sea

No eyes, No ears, No lips, No one

This being takes a form that knows none

Existence is a desideratum

Cravens are most, Gallant some

To brawl in life, we have nothing to lose

Than a few pennies, a vesture, and two shoes


- Dhyana Buch

The author's comments:

This piece is close to my heart,

what once was can never be now

what's lost can perhaps be found

If only one looks close enough

To create their own reality


- Dhyana Buch

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