Angel of my Dreams | Teen Ink

Angel of my Dreams

June 2, 2022
By Anonymous

I can barely recall your face

But I remember the taste of your tongue

Who are you, lovely stranger?

All I knew was the softness of the sheets to which I clung

I think about you often,

An ethereal blessing without a name

What did you need to tell me?

I lay still that early morning, awestruck and lame

I must thank you,

For I don’t believe myself to have such courage in consciousness

When can I see you again?

In my sleep where I am perfectly without inhibitions

I believe you cruel,

To visit me in a place where memory fades so soon

Why must you slip away?

Leaving me to snippets of soft love under the light of a summer’s moon

I need you,

Angel of my dreams, to return, to explain, to love me once again

How may I bring you back to me?

Even my soul could not hope to be worth another night with you.

The author's comments:

I wrote this about a dream I had during a time when I was beginning to explore my identity. It pushed me into a new era of shameless self-expression and accepting parts of myself that I was previously unwilling to acknowledge. 

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